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Travel-Aware Calendar

Plan your calendar meetings using Mapsly's routing engine to minimize travel time and reveal/resolve schedling conflicts

Sergey Shurygin avatar
Written by Sergey Shurygin
Updated yesterday

What is Travel-Aware Calendar?

Travel-Aware Calendar is a calendar view with the integrated Mapsly routing engine. On its timeline, you can:

  • see meetings from all your calendars — including your CRM calendar, Google Calendar, and (soon) MS Outlook Calendar — with travel time between them and existing scheduling conflicts;

  • and optimally plan new meetings while filling in idle time between existing ones.

Mapsly's routing and calendar functionality are tightly integrated: both use your team's working schedule and its exceptions and allow you to plan to optimally plan visits (in routing) and meetings (in the calendar) "around" your existing calendar events.

It's also possible to export route activities as calendar events, which effectively allows you to bulk-plan calendar events for your entire team for multiple days and weeks ahead.

Events from your connected calendars will appear in Mapsly automatically. Calendar events created in Mapsly are immediately saved to your calendars.

Mapsly can also be configured to create events in multiple calendars simultaneously, such as your CRM calendar and Google Calendar.

You may also configure custom calendars, allowing you to view and create records in a custom object using Mapsly Calendar's capabilities.

Calendar configuration

Permissions and billing

Travel Calendar is a paid add-on billed per user for all users with activated Calendar feature block in Profiles & Permissions:

As you add or remove users with a profile that has the Calendar feature block turned on, your monthly subscription will adjust automatically.

Activating the Calendar feature block enables calendar planning for users with this profile, and such users will appear in the list of users in calendar views and can connect their Google Calendar to Mapsly.

Show calendar views permission enables the side and bottom Calendar views.

View calendar preferences permission enables the calendar preferences tab.

Modify preferences permission permits users to modify their calendar preferences.

Modify other users' preferences permits users to bulk-update other users' calendar preferences, which is useful for dispatchers and administrators.

Calendar settings

In Calendar settings, you can turn your calendars on and off, including custom ones, and manage your calendar user groups.

See the Calendar settings article for details.

Personal calendar preferences

Required permissions. To view your calendar preferences, you need to have the View calendar preferences permission. To modify them, you also need to have the Modify preferences permission.

In your calendar preferences, your team can adjust timeline visualization and behavior, connect their individual Google and [soon] MS Outlook calendars, and select their preferred calendar (in case of multiple calendars).

See the Calendar preferences article for details.

When necessary, Mapsly users with the Modify other users' permissions in the Calendar feature block may also view and update other users' calendar preferences.

Viewing calendar events, travel time, and conflicts

Required permissions. To see calendar views, you need to have the Show calendar views permission in the Calendar feature block.

Side calendar view

To switch to the side calendar view, click the side panel's header and select Calendar:

Your calendar events from all active calendars will be displayed with the travel time between them and scheduling conflicts, if any.

Hover your mouse over a calendar event to see its summary, or click on an event to see its details.

You may adjust the first day of the week and the timeline's start time in your calendar preferences.

Selecting users to display

To select users to display, click the Users field and select the users:

To switch between single-user and multi-user modes, press this button to the right of the user selector:

Adjusting the timeline scale

Use these two icon-buttons to adjust the height (scale) of the calendar view's timeline:

Travel time between events

Mapsly automatically calculates driving distance and time between all meetings based on the travel mode from your traveling preferences and shows it on the timeline:

As you add, modify and remove calendar events — in your CRM or Mapsly — Mapsly automatically recalculates driving time to keep it up-to-date.

Driving time is calculated based on historical traffic information.

Note. Recalculation of travel time in calendar views does not consume routing credits.

Scheduling conflicts

When there isn't enough time to arrive at a meeting on time, Mapsly will show a scheduling conflict alert and mark the conflicting event orange with diagonal stripes:

To view the reason for a conflict, hover your mouse over the warning icon to the left of the event name:

To resolve a conflict, drag one of the conflicting events to a new time with your mouse, or mark it as flexible and re-optimize the schedule as described in Event (re-)optimization on timeline below.

View users' work schedules and start/end locations

Each user's working hours for each of the currently displayed days are shown with white background, while non-working hours are grayed out. For example, this user on this day starts at 9 am:

When a meeting falls into a non-working hour, Mapsly will show a scheduling conflict.

A user's starting and finishing location for each of the displayed days are shown right above and below their working hours (the arrow on the previous screenshot points out at the start location).

View events as routes on map

To view calendar events as a route on the map, click the route icon-button to the right of the user or the date:

When viewing multiple days for a user, schedules are grouped by user, and clicking the route button for the user will display routes for all the selected date range for this user.

To center the map on a particular route, click the crosshairs icon-button:

Virtual vs. On-Site events

Virtual events are events without a valid rooftop address and are displayed with a diagonal . Mapsly automatically recognizes virtual events without a physical address and displays them this way:

Also, Mapsly automatically re-classifies events as virtual in the following cases:

  • an event has an invalid (unrecognized) address:

  • an event has a valid but non-rooftop location:

Bottom calendar view (coming soon)

A bottom calendar view that is located on the bottom panel (along with the Table view) and works similarly to the side calendar view except its timeline is horizontal offering an opportunity to view calendar schedules of a large number of users simultaneously. Also, you can add or remove entire user groups at a time.

Editing calendar events

Required permissions. To modify calendar events in calendar views, you need to have the Show calendar views permission in the Calendar feature block.

Draft mode

When you change a calendar event, Mapsly automatically creates a draft of these changes, allowing you to accumulate multiple changes and then apply (save) them at once.

When you're editing a draft, you will see this panel:

When you're done editing, press Save✅, and your changes will be immediately synced to your calendar(s):

To discard your changes, press Cancel ❌.

Dragging events between users and days

You may drag calendar events between users and days to reassign them to another user and/or date.

Creating events from data records

You can create a calendar event from a data record in one of the two ways:

1- by clicking Add to calendar -> Create event in this record's record view, table view's context menu, or map popup:


2- by accumulating them in the calendar view's Waiting list first and then dragging and dropping them from there to the timeline (see below).

When creating an event from a record (including when dropping multiple records to the timeline), the event duration will be automatically determined based on the record's individual duration attribute set for the record's object in Routing settings.

Waiting list

Waiting list is an area in the calendar view outside of a timeline where you may accumulate records and drag them from there to the timeline for a particular user/day:

To add a record to the Waiting list, click Add to waiting list in this record's record view, table view's context menu, or map popup:

Event (re-)optimization on timeline

Note. Similar to planning routes using the Route panel, event (re-)optimization in calendar views consumes routing credits.

When at least one calendar event is marked as flexible, a blinking Optimize icon-button will appear automatically here:

Press the Optimize icon-button to have Mapsly rearrange the calendar events in the most optimal way based on the following parameters:

  • events' parameters:

    • event location,

    • event's availability window (defined by its related-to data record; see below for details);

  • target user's parameters (target user is the user whose timeline is being viewed, not the user who's viewing it; in the example above, it's Alex Castelli):

    • working hours, including exceptions (traveling preferences; see below),

    • starting and finishing locations (traveling preferences),

    • travel mode (traveling preferences),

    • event start time's rounding step (calendar preferences; see below for details),

    • optimization objective (calendar preferences; see below for details);

  • historical traffic information.

During (re-)optimization, all events' durations are preserved.

Note. When at least one flexible event exists on the timeline, Mapsly will not be automatically recalculating travel times between events, expecting you to use the Optimize icon-button to execute the event optimization, which will determine the optimal sequence of events and travel time between them. If you don't want to use optimization, switch all your events on a day to fixed-time, and Mapsly will resume automatically recalculating travel time between events (and the Optimize button will auto-hide).

Planning routes "around" existing events. Fixed and flexible events.

A calendar event may be marked as fixed-time or flexible. When reshuffling calendar events to optimize your calendar schedule, Mapsly will preserve the start time of all fixed-time events and will move only the flexible ones.

Fixed-time events are marked with a closed-lock icon:

Flexible events are marked with an open-lock icon:

For example:

  • before optimization:

  • after optimization:

Availability time windows (event's open hours)

Similar to planning optimal routes using the Route panel, when (re-)optimizing calendar events, Mapsly can also take into account the "availability time window" when the event should start.

When creating a calendar event based on a data record with a defined availability window, the calendar event's availability window will be automatically copied from here data record.

Alternatively, the availability window can be manually entered and updated in the calendar event's properties.

Event start time "auto-rounding"

If you are planning to send out calendar invitations to your meetings, you may want to have event start times to be a multiple of 5, 10, 15, or 30 minutes.

To achieve this, enable auto-rounding of event start times in target users' calendar preferences and set the desired rounding step:

For example, with the rounding step set to 15 minutes, an event start of 9:48 will be automatically adjusted to 10:00.

Optionally, you may turn on auto-rounding for lunch breaks as well.

This start time rounding is always available when planning routes using the Route panel.

IMPORTANT! Since the start time rounding is applied after the optimization, accumulated rounding adjustments may cause events with availability windows and time-window breaks to "slide" beyond their availability window.

Importing events from route activities

You can import route activities to a calendar by pressing Export to calendar in Route panel's header menu:

You'll be prompted to select the target calendar if you have multiple active calendars.

Using automation to create events in multiple calendars

When necessary, Mapsly can be configured to create events in multiple calendars simultaneously which is useful for CRMs (like HubSpot) that rely on external calendars like Google Calendar for sending out calendar invitations.

Contact our solution engineers in chat to request help in configuring the creation of events in multiple calendars.

How to include calendar events in route planning

When planning routes using the Route panel, you can include calendar events into your routes by checking the Add calendar events box in the route configuration settings in the Route panel:

If you're currently in a calendar draft, you may optionally include draft events in your route jobs.

When planning routes for multiple days, the date and start time of all fixed-time calendar events will be preserved, while flexible events may be re-planned for other days and start times — to produce the most optimal routes.

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