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How to send SMS via Twilio API

Learn how to send SMS from Mapsly using Twilio API

Erik avatar
Written by Erik
Updated over a week ago

You can send SMS from Mapsly using Send SMS action. However, if you want to send SMS using your Twilio account, you can use the Invoke URL action.

To configure it, you need to add Invoke URL action:

In the Invoke URL fill in the following:

  • Action Name

  • Method: POST

  • Content Type: POST FORM

  • Header parameter: Authorization: Basic {YOUR_AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN} , where YOUR_AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN is the Basic-type authorization token that consists of username:password pair which needs to be encoded in base64:

  • Form parameter: From which is your Twilio phone number

  • Form parameter: To which is the record's phone number, i.e. {{}}

  • Form parameter: Body which is the SMS text

You can access your Account SID, Auth Token and the Twilio phone number in your Twilio account dashboard:

You should end up with the following request:

If you have any questions or need help with configuring your Twilio SMS automation contact Mapsly support team 24/7 by chat or email at [email protected], we'll be happy to help.

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