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Routing settings

Control your objects' and users' routing parameters directly from your CRM. Set their default values. Define vehicle types.

Sergey Shurygin avatar
Written by Sergey Shurygin
Updated over 5 months ago

Routing settings let you configure system-wide parameters that govern routing, as well as daily location tracking reports.

For the general concepts and terminology — please see the Routing overview article.

Jobs tab

In Mapsly, you can use records of any object (with a mapped location) as route jobs, and on this tab, you may define job constraints for any such object. To do it, press the + button:

In the modal that will open, select the object for which you'd like to define job constraints (parameters), and for the constraints that you'd like to use:

  • select ("map") a fields of that object, from which Mapsly should pull the constraint's value when planning routes,

  • enter the default value for a constraint on the right,

  • you may do both.

NOTE: 3 time constraints — duration, preparation time, and departure delay — can also be defined in users' traveling preferences.

Priority of constraint values defined in multiple places

When the value of a job constraint (parameter) is defined in multiple places, Mapsly will use the following value:

  • Priority #1 (highest): If a CRM field is mapped and contains a non-empty value, Mapsly will use it; otherwise:

  • Priority #2: If the default value is defined, Mapsly will use it.

For the 3 time constraints — duration, preparation time, and departure delay — which can also be defined in a user's traveling preferences: the value from the user's traveling preferences will be pulled with the lowest priority (#3).

Users tab

When building routes, Mapsly can account for a number of vehicle parameters, like vehicle type, possessed "skills" (which can be used to represent driver/agent expertise or unique vehicle characteristics), default start/finish locations, and many more.

Any of these parameters may be defined in 3 places:

  • a default value for this parameter may be defined in the Users tab of the Routing settings (see screenshot below);

  • you may define the value of this parameter in a user's traveling preferences;

  • if in your data source (CRM or spreadsheet) you have an object that represents a user/vehicle for which you're planning routes, you may select this object in the Users tab, and for each of those parameters select ("map") a field from that object, and when planning routes Mapsly will use the value from this field, from the record "owned" by a specific user (that is, the user's CRM user ID coincides with the value of the record's Owner field).

You may use any combination of the mapped values, default values and values defined in users' traveling preferences. When more than one such value is defined for a parameter for a specific user, Mapsly will use the value higher in this list:

  • Priority #1 (highest): value from the mapped CRM field,

  • Priority #2: value from the user's traveling preferences,

  • Priority #3: default value of the vehicle parameter.

Here's the full list of available vehicle parameters:

Vehicle types tab

On the Vehicle types tab you may define the types of vehicles your organization uses and their characteristics like a travel mode (like a car, small truck, full-sized truck, scooter, etc.), capacity, and travel/service speed factor (multiplier):

Vehicle types created on this tab become available for selector for users in their Vehicle type parameter in Traveling preferences.

Skills tab

A Skill is a specific characteristic of a user (driver/agent expertise) or vehicle (equipment) that may be required for particular jobs. For example, if a job requires a skill refrigerator, then only users with the refrigerator skills will be assigned this job.

On this tab, you may add skills that your jobs and users will use, and these skills will become available for selection in users' traveling preferences on the Users and Jobs tabs in Routing settings.

Tracking tab

Here you may enable the generation of daily user location tracking reports.

Check the Generate daily reports box to enable the generation of these reports, and choose time of day that Mapsly should consider the start of the day. For example, if you choose 3am, at 3am every day Mapsly will be generating a report with the history of user movements over the period between 3am of the previous day to 3am of the current day.

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