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Traveling preferences

Set your working hours, default start/end locations, meeting duration, departure delay and preferred navigation app.

Sergey Shurygin avatar
Written by Sergey Shurygin
Updated over 3 months ago

You can set your working hours, default start/end locations, meeting duration, departure delay and preferred navigation app in Traveling preferences, which you can open in two ways:

  • Click your Avatar at the top-right -> Preferences -> Traveling tab:


  • Go go the Route panel's header menu -> Traveling preferences:

Note. Mapsly admins can access users' preferences directly from Setup by clicking a user's name in the user list.

Traveling preference settings

Default preferences. Mass update other users' preferences.

This block is visible only to Mapsly admins and allows them to set the default traveling preferences for new users, as well as bulk-update traveling preferences for existing users. Learn more.

Working hours

Working hours are used in routing, calendar-based planning, and when planning regular visits:

  • When building optimized routes, for yourself or your team, or when planning regular visits, Mapsly will ensure that all visits are planned within working hours.

  • When planning meetings in Mapsly calendar view, Mapsly ensures that they are planned within working hours and the allowed overtime set in the Allowed overtime (calendar) parameter.


You may override default working hours for a particular time period by creating an "exception".

To access Exceptions, press the Exceptions button:

You will see existing exceptions split into the list of current/future exceptions, and past exceptions:

To create an exception, press Add exception, and indicate the exception's period, target working hours, and β€” optionally β€” the allowed overtime, and break:

Start location

Enter your preferred starting location that will be selected when you press the Home icon in the route's Start location here:

You can enter an address or GPS coordinates.

This starting location will also be used when planning regular visits.

Finish location

Enter your preferred finish location that will be selected when you press the Finish icon in the route here:

You can enter an address or GPS coordinates.

This finish location will also be used when planning regular visits.

Default meeting duration

When planning a route, Mapsly will reserve this amount of meeting/service time for every activity that doesn't have a calendar event. For an activity with a related calendar event Mapsly will use the meeting duration in the calendar instead of the default duration.

Please note that apart from the event duration, the total time per activity will also include departure delay, so the planned departure time from a activity locations equals to the planned arrival time + Meeting duration + Departure delay.

Departure delay

Time reserved to depart from activity location after the meeting/service. When planning a route, Mapsly will add this amount of time to the total time at every activity, both with a related calendar meeting and without one, so your planned departure time from the activity equals to planned arrival time + meeting duration + departure delay.

Navigation app

Pick your preferred navigation app. Unlike other Traveling preferences settings, this setting is stored on each device, so you can have different preferred navigation apps on different devices.

See also

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