You can switch to your preferred navigation app from Mapsly in one click and navigate to a route activity, or any other record on the map.
How to navigate to a location
To navigate to a location, click Navigate here:
1- Once the route is built, in the activity context menu here:
2- In the Trip mode's activity panel (Navigate is always the а first button here):
3- In the record's map popup:
4- or in its View record popup:
Set a preferred navigation app
You can use your preferred navigation app:
Google Maps,
Apple Maps, or
for each of your devices. Unlike other Traveling preferences which apply to all devices across your Mapsly user account, the Navigation app setting is set per device so you may have different preferred apps on different devices.
When you click Navigate for the first time on a device, you'll be prompted to select the app, and Mapsly will automatically save your selection to the Navigation app setting in the Traveling preferences, where you can change it anytime later.