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Table view modes

Learn how to change the scope of the Table view and see different sets of data depending on your current needs

Sergey Shurygin avatar
Written by Sergey Shurygin
Updated over a week ago

The Table view has several modes described below that define the scope of data the table shows.

Note. In all modes, the table will show only records that you are permitted to view.

1. All

In the All mode the table will show ALL records. If you have dynamic layers and some of them are hidden (their boxes are unchecked on the Layers pane), or if you have dynamic views applied to dynamic layers, none of this would affect what you see in the table - in the All mode you'll always see ALL records.

2. Views/layers

In this mode the table will show records that belong to the visible dynamic layers (if you have dynamic layers for the selected object and some of them are currently unchecked), with the applied dynamic views taken into account as well (if any views are currently applied).

In other words, your dynamic layers and views are applied to the table in the same way they're applied to the map.

Use this mode in combination with the Table view filter, which removes records from the map as well - to achieve even more powerful and complex filtering.

Note. For performance reasons, Mapsly caps the amount of points shown on the map at a time at 15,000 per dynamic layer. This cap doesn't not affect the table, so when some points are now shown on the currently visible map area because their layer hit this cap, these records will still be shown in the table.

3. Visible map

This mode works the same way as Views/layers but also limits records to the visible map area.

Similarly to the Views/layers mode, this mode also works great in combination with the Table view filter.

Note. Similarly to the Views/layers mode, the "15,000-records per dynamic layer at a time" cap does not affect the table.

4. Route

In the Route mode the table will only show records from the current route (visible on the Route pane).

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