SetTerritoryMetric(territoryCode, metricCode, newValue)
- updates a single metric in a territory. This takes effect immediately.
SetTerritoryColor(territoryCode, newColor)
- set a new color to the territory. This takes effect immediately.
territoryCode - This is the code of the specific territory, which can be found in the table view via the “Territories Codes” system object when territories have been created. It’s generated automatically when a name is assigned to a territory.
Note: You can also retrieve the territory codes programmatically using the GetTerritories() function.
metricCode - The code of the metric, which can be found in the territory creation modal.
newValue - The new value to be assigned.
newColor - The new color to be assigned, which can be specified in the following formats:
• HEX: #ffffff
• RGB: 255,255,255
• Color name (according to W3C): red, blue, black
These functions can be called within any actions, buttons, or workflows. They are available in any expression builder.
See also: