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Mass-update users' calendar preferences

Update calendar preferences for multiple users at once

Sergey Shurygin avatar
Written by Sergey Shurygin
Updated over 7 months ago

Mapsly offers a tool for bulk-editing users' calendar preferences described below.

Required permissions. To be able to update other users' calendar preferences, you need to have the Modify other users' preferences permission in the Calendar feature block of Profiles & Permissions (learn more about Travel Calendar's permissions):

To update calendar preferences for multiple existing users at once, go to Mass-update users' preferences in the Calendar panel's header menu:

A pop-up will open all users and their calendar preferences:

Here, there are two ways to update preferences:

(A) To update the value of a particular preference setting for one user, click on its value in the table, enter the target value and click Save:


(B) To update preferences for multiple users at once:

  1. select the users whose preferences you'd like to update by checking the boxes on the left and click Edit selected above the table:

  2. select the preferences to update by checking their boxes, enter/select their target values and click Save:

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