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List view

Learn how to set up and use the List view

Erik avatar
Written by Erik
Updated over a week ago

List view is a left pane that shows the list of records that are currently on the map:


It's especially for shared maps and as a replacement of Table view for mobile sales teams who are using Mapsly primarily from their mobile phones.

Switching between Layers and List view panes

If both Layers and the List view panes are enabled in a user's profile, the user can switch between them by clicking the left pane's header:

Switching between objects in List view

If a user's profile has access to multiple objects, the List view will include an object selector similar to that in the Table view:

If a user's profile has access to only one object, the List view will always be pre-selected to this object and the object selector will be hidden.

List view modes: All and Visible map

The List view has two mode tabs:

  • All: which will show all records currently on the map including those outside of the currently visible area.

  • Visible map: which shows only records that are currently in the visible part on the map. In this mode the list's content will automatically update as you zoom or pan the map.

IMPORTANT! Unlike the Table view in the All mode, neither modes of the List view includes records that don't have a valid location or records that don't belong to a visible layer. So the List view's All mode directly corresponds to the Table view's Layers/filters mode.

List view properties

Properties overview

To edit the content of a list item ("list block"), click the Cog icon to the right of the object selector:

which will bring up the List view properties:

Editing the line block's content

The list block content is organized in lines. To add a line, click the + button near List block lines:

For each line you can define:

  • its font size: Small, Normal, Large

  • style: Normal, Bold, Italic, Tag

  • the line's content.

Using merge tags in a line's content

A line's content may include any static text as well as merge tags of 3 types:

  • Default: Name, Address, Distance and GPS coordinates - they are available for all objects.

    The Name, Address and GPS coordinates here use the name, address and location mapping from the object's settings.

    And the Distance tag shows the distance from the current base location, when it's defined, or is hidden otherwise.

  • Field: shows the value of a specific field from a record.

  • Icon: inserts any of the Font Awesome icons. In the List view icons are especially useful in combination with Fields - to convey the meaning of a field without writing the field label:

To insert a tag, click the Insert tag button on the right:

When inserting an icon, you may want to enter the "topic" into Search tag to see only relevant icons, since the full list of icons is large:

Using modifiers for default tags

When you include a default merge tags, some additional parameters that modify their behavior may appear in the Additional parameters:

In this example, we added the Distance and Address default merge tags, so in the Additional parameters we can adjust:

  • for Distance: whether to show the distance units near the distance;

  • for Address: whether to show the country and state/province or omit them.

Defining the records' sort order

To help users find the desired record in the List view faster, we recommend always setting the sort order by filling in the Soft by fields:

Records in the List view will be first sorted by First #1 in the ascending order (if Field #1 is not defined), and then records with the same value in Field #1 will be sorted by Field #2.

The most common way to set the sorting order is:

  • Field #1: Distance

  • Field #2: Name

In this example, when the user set's the base location, which will happen automatically when for example the user opens Mapsly from a mobile device, Mapsly will calculate the Distance for every record and closer locations will come on top, while records within the same distance will be sorted by their names in the alphabetical order. And when there's no base location, the Distance field will be hidden and the records will be sorted only by their name.

Personal and Default list view properties

List view properties are saved on the Mapsly user, so any user may have their individual look for the List view.

As the admin, you can also set the default properties for the List view that will be applied to all new users, similar to how it works for the map properties, table view properties and record view properties. To do this, in the List view properties press the Default properties button on top:

While you're editing the default properties, you'll be seeing this message:

Also, similar to how it works with the map/table/record view properties, you can reset a user's personal List view properties in two ways:

  • By opening their List view properties and clicking the Reset to default properties at the bottom:

  • And by clicking Reset user's personal properties in the user's context menu in Setup:

How to enable or disable List view on a user profile

To enable the List view, turn ON the List view switch for a user profile:

If you'd like to let users with that profile also adjust how their List view looks, check the Modify list view properties box.

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