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Condition/actions blocks

Using condition/actions blocks, you may execute different sequences of actions depending on various conditions

Sergey Shurygin avatar
Written by Sergey Shurygin
Updated over a week ago

A condition/action block ("Block") lists action(s) to be executed by an automation element (a workflow, an action, a button, a form event handler or a schedule):

A Block may contain one or multiple actions and, optionally, a condition that needs to be met for the Block's actions to be executed. If a condition is not set, the Block's actions will always be executed.

Sequence of execution of Blocks and their Actions

You may have multiple Blocks at once, in which case they are executed from top to bottom in the order they are present. You may drag-n-drop Blocks to change their order of execution.

If several actions are present in a Block, they are also executed from top to bottom in the order they are present.

IMPORTANT! Since the condition of every subsequent Block is evaluated after execution of all preceding Blocks, be mindful of the influence that actions in preceding blocks may have on the condition of subsequent Blocks.


The condition in a Block is a logical expression that evaluates to either true or false. It can be built using Mapsly's Expression builder:

or entered directly in the Expression editor:

We recommend using the Expression builder as long as it covers your needs, and resorting to the Expression editor only if what you'd like to do cannot be implemented using the Expression builder.

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