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[Zapier] How to setup synchronization using Zapier
[Zapier] How to setup synchronization using Zapier

Learn how to sync data between your data source and Mapsly using Zapier integration

Erik avatar
Written by Erik
Updated over a week ago

Mapsly can sync data from any data source that has a connector to Zapier - you can create Zaps to push new and updated data to Mapsly and - if your data source supports a Zapier trigger about removed data - sync removed records.

Note. Before proceeding with integration through Zapier, make sure that Mapsly does not offer a native connector to your CRM, by searching your CRM in our integrations catalog. CRMs with native connectors are marked with a bolt icon like this:

Step 1: Configure your data source in Mapsly and import your initial data set

Before you can create a Zap (an integration process in Zapier), follow this guide to configure your data source in Mapsly using Mapsly's Google Sheets connector and import your initial data set.

Once your data source is configured and the initial data set is loaded, disable data sync with this Google spreadsheet by turning this switch to OFF:

Step 2: Generate API key

Generate an API key to your newly created data sources by following this guide.

Step 3: Create a Zap in Zapier

In this example we'll be creating a Zap that will push a new Contact from Agile CRM to Mapsly's Contact object. You may create Zaps with your data sources by following these exact steps:

1- Log into your Zapier account, press Make a Zap:

2- Name your new Zap:

3- In the Trigger section find your data source, here we'll use Agile CRM as an example:

4- Select trigger New Contact:

5- Select your existing data source (if it was added to Zapier earlier) or add a new one:

Follow Zapier's instructions on the screen to connect your data source to Zapier and test your trigger. After the source is connected and trigger tested, it will look like this:

Press Continue.

6- In the Action section, find and select Mapsly:

7- Select Action Event Create/Update Entity:

And press Continue.

8- In the Choose account section click Choose an account... and select Connect a new account button:

In the pop-up window that will open, enter the Mapsly API key you generated earlier:

Click Yes, Continue.

9- In the Set up action section select the object in which you'd like to create or update a record, in our example it's the Contacts:

10- Once you pick the object, Zapier will show this object's fields from Mapsly below:

Click every field in the Mapsly's Contact that you'd like to sync with the Contact from your data source and select the field from which to copy the value:

This way, you will map your data source's fields onto fields in Mapsly, so Zapier knows how to sync data.

Step 4: Test your Zap

Instant Zaps

If your data source supports instant Zapier triggers, meaning the data source notifies Zapier of a new event immediately once it happened, your Zap will run automatically immediately after you create a new record in your data source. Such Zaps are marked as Instant:

To test them, simply create a test record in your data source and within 10-15 seconds this record should appear in Mapsly.

Non-instant Zaps

If your data source's trigger doesn't immediately notify Zapier of a new event but rather relies on Zapier's occasionally checks, such Zaps will not be marked as Instant and will be executed once per 1-15 minutes depending on your Zapier plan. Such Zaps can be manually executed by clicking Run Zap in the Zap's context menu:

How to check if a Zap was actually executed

To check if a Zap was executed in response to a new event in your data source, for example when you created a new record, and whether it executed successfully or was stopped because of an error, click the View Zap History in your Zap's context menu:

Contact Mapsly support at any time

If you have any questions or need help with configuring your data source in Mapsly, uploading your data or setting up your Zapier integration, contact Mapsly support team 24/7 by chat or email at [email protected], we'll be happy to help.

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