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Dynamic map layers

Learn how to create dynamic map layers using the visual formula builder and use it in combination with map filters and table filters

Sergey Shurygin avatar
Written by Sergey Shurygin
Updated over a week ago

Prerequisites: this feature requires Mapsly Pro plan.

Dynamic map layer and layer groups

A dynamic map layer is an object's sublayer grouping records that match the layer's criteria defined using Mapsly's visual formula builder.

A layer's formula may be as simple as Account Type = Vendor or can be much more complex and contain nested logical expressions that reference record fields' values, dynamic parameters like NOW (the current local time) and the current user's name, email and the CRM's user record ID.

Each layer can have a customized map marker with a custom icon's image, color and size as well as the font's color, size and weight.

Layer groups

Dynamic layers are grouped into layer groups with the pre-created Default group, and only one group can be currently selected for an object, which allows you to view your data through different perspectives (by account type, by revenue, by owner, etc.)

You may create layers and layer groups manually, or have Mapsly auto-generate a group of layers based on unique values of a particular field.

The "Other" layer

When at least one dynamic layer is defined for an object, Mapsly automatically creates a layer named Other that groups all points (records) that do not match criteria of any of the existing layers. Thus, the object layer is a simply combination of points that belong to all of its dynamic layers. That's why we strongly recommend that dynamic layers be used to split the parent object into a non-overlapping datasets.

Make sure your layers don't overlap

When a record matches criteria of multiple layers simultaneously, the record will still appear on the map only once, but it is unpredictable to which dynamic layer it will belong at any particular moment in time, and there's no guarantee that the point will belong to the same layer over time. So for logical consistency, we strongly suggest layers' formulas be designed to produce non-overlapping datasets.

Creating new layers

Auto-generating layers based on a field's unique values

To auto-generate a group of layers based on unique values of a particular field:

1- click the dashed link under the object:

2- click the plus button:

3- and select the field that Mapsly need to scan for unique values:

Note. Mapsly will create a layers for only those values that are references by at least one record, while values that are not references will be skipped.

[crop output image]

Creating a layer with a custom formula

To create a new layer:

1- click the Layers icon to the right of the layer group selector:

2- click the Add layer button:

3- enter the layer's name, formula and select the group to add the new layer to:

4- you may also customize the layer's map marker by clicking Map marker properties and checking the boxes at the marker properties you'd like to change (by default, marker properties are inherited from the object's marker):

Managing layers and layer groups

Creating a new layer group

Click the Add group button here:

Renaming a layer and moving an existing layer to another layer group

To rename a layer or move it to another group, click the Layer properties button near the layer and enter the new name or select the group to move the layer to:

Customizing an existing layer's map marker

To customize the map marker for a dynamic layer, click the Map marker properties button in the list of layers or the Map marker properties button in the layer properties:

Refreshing an auto-generated group of layers to incorporate new values

When the set of unique values based on which Mapsly auto-generated a group of layers change, or new records may have appeared that reference a value that was not referenced before and thus has no layer associated with it, you may need to re-build the auto-generated layers by clicking the Refresh button near the layer group:

During the refreshing Mapsly will re-scan the records and add new values that have at least one reference from a record, and remove layers corresponding to values that no longer have references.

Existing layers and that correspond to values that are still references will not be re-created so if you've customized their markers, these custom markers will be preserved.

Sharing layer groups

By default all layer groups have "Private" sharing status, meaning they will be only visible for the author. If you want to learn more how to customise sharing settings please read the sharing settings article.

Switching between layer groups

Click the dashed link under an object and select the layer group you'd like to view:

Converting autogenerated layers group to custom layers group

Initially, all autogenerated layers groups are refreshed every hour, so essentially Mapsly re-generates layers whenever new values are added/removed from the field that the layers group was generated upon.

If you click the "Convert" button the layers group will (permanently) convert to a custom layers group which will stop auto-generation of layers and instead will allow you adding/removing layers or editing formulas of existing layers in that layers group.

How do layers work with map filters?

Apply a map filter to a layer to view only the points that match both the layer's and the filter's formulas.

How to apply map layer visibility and filters to the Table view?

Select the Layers/filters or Visible map mode in the Table view - in these two modes the table only shows records that belong to visible layers with applied map filters thus syncing the Table view with the map.

How do layers work in combination with Table view filter?

Both visible dynamic layers and the Table view filter narrow down the set of points (CRM records) that are shown on the map by filtering out records that don't match their respective criteria. So when used together, on the map you'll see only points that (1) belong to the visible dynamic layers (with their applied filters, if any) and (2) the table filter.

To get the same result in the table (so it's fully synced with the map), you'll need to select the Layers/filters or Visible map mode in the Table view because in the All mode hiding dynamic layers or applying views to them does not affect the dataset in the table.

See also:

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